{header.name} {header.gender}

The reason we could not find the athlete might be because the name was misspelled.

0}> Current ÖTILLÖ Swimrun Ranking: 🥇🥈🥉{srRank[0].item1}

Top List Positions Place
{title} {place}

Racing History

We have no results data on this athlete.

Race #/All Time Partner Team
{race} {raceShort} 🥇🥈🥉{placeCategory}/{placeTotal}CUTDNFDNS {msToHms(timeTotal)} {partner} {category}

Note: This is not a complete athlete résumé, just the races which are in our database.

Chart: Results Over Time

Ahead of average (%): Athlete's finish time relative to race average, allowing for comparison despite differences in courses and conditions.
After winners (%): Athlete's finish time relative to winner's.

0}>Close Peers

0}>Athletes who did the same races as {header.name} with similar results during the last two years. "-1" would mean that {header.name} was on average 1 % slower than the peer.

Athelete Avg Finish Time Deviance (%) Races and With What Partners
{x.athlete.name} {x.athlete.gender} {x.deviance} {y.raceShort} with {y.partner}